Akashic Records FAQs

  • The Akashic Records hold all universal information of the natural world—what was, is and will be. It holds the details of our individual soul’s journey through all of its past, current and future lifetimes. Basically, anything that has ever exited or will exist is written in the Records.

  • People seek information from the Akashic Records for a number of reasons. But most commonly, they want to find out about their own soul’s journey. Many people want to know if a past life is affecting how they handle their current relationships or they might want to heal from a spiritual or emotional wound. Many people ask about achieving goals and they might want to know why they’re not able to advance in their current career despite sincere effort. Many people just want to know what their life purpose is in this lifetime and how they can better stay on their path.

    By accessing the Records, a person can better understand a current life issue from a different perspective thus inspiring a creative solution.

  • The Akashic Records are an intuitive healing modality; however, the goal of a Records reading is not to intentionally connect with passed on loved ones. That doesn’t mean loved ones don’t show up. They often do. When they do come through, (and you want to hear their message) the reader verifies that they are in fact your passed on loved one and once that’s been verified, they’re invited to share their message with you.

  • To prepare for an Akashic Records reading, you want to think about 1-3 open-ended questions you’d like answers to. (Open-ended questions are ones that don’t have a yes / no answer.)

    Examples of topics that make for rich readings:

    Your relationship to the people you spend the most time with including loved ones, friends, coworkers, neighbors

    Recurring life patterns. Areas where you often get stuck

    Fear of failure / fear of success issues

    Curiosity about your soul’s past lives

    Ancestral patterns you’d like to break or ancestral gifts you’d like to discover

    Questions that begin with Why and How can generate really good answers.

    When can be used as well but not in the sense of “when is X going to happen for me?” Spirit doesn’t care about time in that context. Whatever you’re working on in this lifetime can take you as long as you need…even into subsequent lifetimes.

    Instead, ask When like this: When did this pattern start? How far back does this go? How can I heal it now?